On 10 December 2024 Picnic committee organized Educational Field Visit to Aqua Imagica ,Khopoli under the guidance of Principal Mr.Prashant More Sir, Supervisor Mr. Ajit Sonawane Sir and Mrs.Swati Patil Madam.
There were 707 students accompanied with 32 staff members fully packed in 14 busses. We left at 8.15am and reached at 9.30am to our picnic spot.The students were exceedingly animated and sang song till they reached the venue.As the students saw the 16 slides in the water park they were extremely thrilled. For breakfast the students were served with samosas.
Everyone jumped in the pool with excitement. There was rain dance where the students could not resist to show their talents. The wave pool was something that the students enjoyed the most.For lunch we were served with Chinese and other side dishes .
Everyone had a lovely time plying in the water especially on the slides.A group picture was taken were the students modelled
in the different poses. The students were given snacks Burger, ice-cream and fruity .The busses started homeword journey 5.30pm and reached the college campus about 7.30pm
Everyone had a big smile on their face which indicated that they had a marvelous day.